Safe Zone Guidelines


 We call them Safe Deal Zones. Whatever you want to call it, more and more citizens are looking for a safe location to conduct a CraigsList, Facebook, LetGo, Close5, 5Miles, OfferUp, Kijiji, Pinterest, Etsy, GunBroker, ArmsList, local classifieds or any other face to face transactions.

The news is full of stories related to crime and face to face transactions, providing a safe location for local citizens to conduct these transactions is not just a convenience but rather a duty.

Create a Safe Deal Zone and let THAT be your news!


Whether you are a municipality or a private business and you are wanting to create a Safe Deal Zone for local citizens to use, we have a few suggestions that may prove helpful.

  • Parking lots are good areas but should have 2-4 designated parking spots with ample signage and good lighting with 24/7 video surveillance.
  • Designate lobby space for small item transactions. Video surveillance is preferred here as well.
  • Provide officers or personnel upon request for observation and/or VIN and serial number research.
  • Place a logo and information on your website notating the Safe Deal Zone. You can also use the Safe Deal Logo to print your own signs and post them in your Zone. Download the Safe Deal Zone logos here.
  • Announce the Safe Deal Zone on your website and social media sites, especially Facebook and Twitter.
  • If you have multiple locations make sure to note those on your website and link to the locator map on our website as well.

It is also a good idea to follow us on or for up to date news and new Safe Deal Zone locations. Make sure to tag us at on both sites with any updates. If you need to submit a location please do so through our submission form. Contact us with any changes or updates to existing locations or with any questions you may have. We are more than happy to help!

Download our Safe Deal Zone creation guidelines . 

Once we receive a submission we will verify it’s authenticity through various methods including but not limited to agency website notices, social media, news reports and direct contact with the submitting agency.

Safe Deal Zone

Washington Township Police Department